Benefits of resolving with InDebted

Taking the pressure off

Having an overdue balance can feel like a weight on your shoulders. Recent research shows Australian households have the world’s second-highest debt levels with the stress of managing finances leading to sleepless nights and worry.

This is also reflected in Canada, where it’s estimated households spend over two hours daily worrying about finances while in the United Kingdom, household stress over finances is at its highest levels since 2013.

Meanwhile, in the United States, nationwide household debt is now approaching USD 15 trillion.

Put simply, financial stress is a worldwide challenge.

We’re here to remove the stigma around debt collection and change the world of consumer debt recovery for good.

With the ongoing pandemic changing the global economy in unprecedented ways, it’s more important than ever to keep track of personal finances. Resolving an overdue balance via InDebted with our flexible payment options can help remove the lingering pressure an overdue account may bring.

Boosting your financial fitness

InDebted empowers customers to be financially fit.

Financial fitness goals are subjective - it might be resolving overdue balances, saving for a car or contributing towards retirement. Regardless of specifics, financial fitness is an ongoing journey. When you achieve a goal, you move onto the next one. Having a balance referred to InDebted isn’t the end of building financial fitness - instead, it’s an opportunity to reassess your situation and plan your next steps.

Flexibility is a crucial part of any fitness plan - and financial fitness is no exception. We offer flexible payment options to customers so they can choose the journey best suited to their individual needs.

Payment in full helps customers immediately move on from overdue balances. Putting outstanding amounts in the rear-view mirror is a great way to build financial fitness rapidly.

Payment plans are a way of gradually resolving a balance with instalments chosen by our customers. Every payment made is a step towards moving on - and all these steps quickly build financial fitness. Upon repaying a balance via a plan, you may have more room to work within your budget with these instalments no longer required. This might mean after achieving a financial fitness goal of balance resolution, the next goal becomes saving for a weekend away, for example.

By resolving an overdue balance, you are creating positive financial momentum, potentially exiting your InDebted journey with enhanced financial fitness.

Hands off solution

Did you know over 80% of InDebted’s customers resolve their balances without speaking to us? Nobody knows your financial circumstances better than you, so InDebted’s self-serve payment portal is designed to help customers identify their best payment journey in a hands-off manner.

We take pride in our service, making balance resolution the smoothest and most positive experience possible. With 24/7 payment available, customers don’t need to take time out of their day to talk with us to arrange payment. When you’re ready, so are we.

Industry-leading customer service

If during your collections journey you would like to chat with us, our industry-leading Customer Service team is here to help. We have thousands of five star Google ratings from real customers, something we pride ourselves on. We reward our fantastic team on the quality of service they provide, not the dollars collected - and they’re always here to help.


Moving on from an overdue balance is satisfying! It’s a genuine achievement in any financial fitness journey and with hundreds of thousands of customers and counting who have used InDebted to resolve overdue amounts, there’s no time like the present to enjoy the satisfaction of putting outstanding balances in the past. We love knowing customers finish their InDebted journeys on a high.

If you’re ready to resolve with InDebted, please click here and log in with your secure code.

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Nuestro producto Collect proporciona una mejor solución a los servicios tradicionales de cobro de consumidores no garantizados de terceros. Vea un rendimiento de recuperación un 40% mayor, mientras utiliza la solución de cobro de deudas mejor calificada del mundo para la experiencia del cliente.
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