Comment pouvons-nous vous aider?

Déposer un litige

Apprenez à signaler des plaintes, recherchez une aide en cas de difficultés financières, traiter le paiement ou le solde potentiel erreurs, informez-nous de la faillite ou insolvabilité et contester des dettes inconnues.

How do I report a complaint?

If you’re unhappy with our services, we want to hear about it so we can make things right. You can raise a complaint through our Complaints Form

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I cant afford to pay right now or am going through hardship is there anything you can do?

We understand it’s not always easy managing debt, and we know that everyone’s financial situation is different. But we’re here to help.

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I'm familiar with the debt, but I’ve already paid it, or the balance seems incorrect

If you're still receiving messages from us after you've already paid or believe that the current balance is incorrect, don't worry.

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I've entered or am entering bankruptcy or insolvency

If you're in the process of declaring bankruptcy or insolvency, it's important that you let us know as soon as possible

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The debt does not belong to me

If you disagree with the debt amount or you’re not sure what this debt refers to and require further information, you can submit a dispute and one of our helpful specialists will get in touch with you.

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